Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Current Montana COVID-19 Epi ProfileCovid-19 in Montana SchoolsCOVID-19 in long term care and assisted livingHospital occupancy and capacity in Montana



Demographic Information for Confirmed Cases

Data for the following tables are updated daily

COVID-19 Cases in Montana  
Total Number of Cases 38,948
 - Number of Deaths 445

* Tables and charts are updated by 10 am every morning.

Montana Covid-19 Updates


County of Residence Number of Cases Number of Deaths Community Transmission*
Beaverhead 332 2 Yes
Big Horn 1,534 40 Yes
Blaine 404 8  
Broadwater 111    
Carbon 344 1  
Carter 86 2  
Cascade 2,844 34 Yes
Chouteau 160    
Custer 406 5 Yes
Daniels 57 3  
Dawson 341 7  
Deer Lodge 510 6  
Fallon 110    
Fergus 303 2  
Flathead 4,195 27 Yes
Gallatin 4,282 10 Yes
Garfield 31    
Glacier 1,103 17 Yes
Golden Valley 16    
Granite 83    
Hill 1,014 20  
Jefferson 231    
Judith Basin 21    
Lake 701 7  
Lewis and Clark 1,354 7 Yes
Liberty 40 1  
Lincoln 385 6 Yes
Madison 249 1 Yes
McCone 71    
Meagher 96 5 Yes
Mineral 17    
Missoula 2,873 27  Yes
Musselshell 150 2  
Park 324    
Petroleum 5    
Phillips 212 3  
Pondera 198 1  
Powder River 74 5  
Powell 313 1  
Prairie 36    
Ravalli 660 4 Yes
Richland 384 6  
Roosevelt 1,085 31  
Rosebud 891 21 Yes
Sanders 118 2  
Sheridan 132    
Silver Bow 785 10 Yes
Stillwater 278 4  
Sweet Grass 136 2  
Teton 110 1  Yes
Toole 468 8  
Treasure 24 1  
Valley 446 5  
Wheatland 76 3  
Wibaux 47    
Yellowstone 7,688 97 Yes
Total 38,948 445  

* Community transmission - a community has identified cases who are unable to be linked with other known cases or travel. This status has been determined after consultation between state and local health departments.


epicurve 1107

testing 1107


View your county's test positivity rate at the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services' (CMS) webpage.


Hospitalization Status Number of Cases (percent of total)
Ever hospitalized 1,447 (4%)
Not Hospitalized 37,483 (96%)
Total 38,948


Age Group Number of Cases (percent of total)
0-9 years 1,623 (4%)
10-19 years 4,463 (11%)
20-29 years 7,848 (20%)
30-39 years 6,318 (16%)
40-49 years 5,217 (13%)
50-59 years 5,093 (13%)
60-69 years 4,272 (11%)
70-79 years 2,503 (6%)
80-89 years 1,196 (3%)
90-99 years 390 (1%)
100+ 24 (<1%)
Total 38,948



Sex Number of Cases (percent of total)
Female 20,212 (52%)
Male 18,736 (48%)
Total 38,948


Race and Ethnicity Number of Cases (percent of total)

15,211 (38%)

American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander 4,001 (11%)
Asian 75 (<1%)
Black or African American 129 (<1%)
Other Race 1,323 (3%)
Undetermined/Under investigation 18,209 (47%)
Total 38,948
Hispanic/Latino 642 (2%)
Not Hispanic/Latino 15,859 (41%)
Undetermined/Under investigation 22,447 (58%)



Current Status of Cases Number of Cases (percent of total)
Hospitalized 446 (1%)
Deceased 445 (1%)
Recovering 14,232 (36%)
Recovered and released from isolation 23,825 (62%)
Total number of cases 38,948


Location (at time of testing) of individuals diagnosed but not residing or counted in Montana:

County Number of Cases (percent of total)
Beaverhead 3 (1%)
Big Horn 1 (<1%)
Carbon 3 (1%)
Cascade 20 (9%)
Custer 4 (2%)
Dawson 3 (1%)
Deer Lodge 1 (<1%)
Fallon 1 (<1%)
Fergus 2 (1%)
Flathead 46 (19%)
Gallatin 49 (20%)
Glacier 1 (<1%)
Granite 1 (<1%)
Lake 10 (4%)
Lewis and Clark 6 (2%)
Lincoln 3 (1%)
Madison 27 (11%)
Meagher 1 (<1%)
Missoula 17 (7%)
Park 10 (3%)
Powell 1 (<1%)
Ravalli 8 (3%)
Silver Bow 5 (2%)
Stillwater 2 (1%)
Sweet Grass 3 (1%)
Toole 2 (1%)
Yellowstone 20 (9%)
Total 250

Cases reported in the tables above include 13 residents of other states who were tested, isolated and/or hospitalized in Montana during the early phases of the pandemic. As COVID-19 is now widespread across the United States, data no longer include out-of-state residents who test positive in Montana in order to align with Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists guidelines that classify cases by the individual’s usual state of residence. This is standard practice for all communicable diseases to ensure accurate case reporting for Montana and the US. Additional individuals were diagnosed in Montana but are not included due to residency and/or the transient nature of their visit to the state: data for these individuals are reflected in the table immediately above.